Patience Achieves Everything
Everything in nature grows and develops slowly: a tree that produces fruit, a baby that develops in its mother’s womb, the change from one season to another. Even the great inventions and discoveries of humanity, as well as various artistic works, like beautiful paintings and sculptures or towering cathedrals, have been the product of constant, measured reflection and work, often after years of patient effort.
Today, however, technological advancements, the ease of communication, fierce competition demanding everything be solved quickly, and other factors have caused us to live in a rushed, hurried way, leading to a loss of the virtue of patience. We want everything instantly, and when things don’t go as expected, we become impatient and lose our calm.
If patience is understood as the ability to calmly accept the pain and trials that life puts before us for continuous inner growth, it’s no wonder that new generations are growing up with little maturity and resilience. A patient person tends to develop the ability to clearly see the source of problems and the best way to solve them.
Patience, one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, is one of the most valuable virtues in Christian life because it forms the foundation of other virtues such as perseverance, constancy, and temperance, and it also perfects all the others. All the saints were formed through patience and perseverance. God Himself is patient with us; despite our repeated failures, He always forgives us and awaits our conversion. Even the devil knows how valuable patience is; he waits patiently and seduces us slowly to lead us into his traps.
Patience does not mean passivity, inaction, or indifference, but rather the strength to wait and the ability to act at the right time. Patience is a mark of mature character, which tolerates both the flaws of others and its own.
Each day offers us countless opportunities to practice this virtue: an illness, an unexpected event or setback, traffic on the road, extreme heat or cold, the imperfections or flaws of those around us, our own limitations, etc. If we take advantage of these moments, unite them with God, and offer them to Him, we will gradually forge our character, taking small steps toward spiritual maturity and holiness.
Mother María Elena Martínez is a nun, born in Mexico City, where she still resides today. She has had a consecrated life for more than 30 years. She is currently a member of a community called María Madre del Amor which is dedicated to evangelization through Emmaus retreats in parishes and prisons and Sicar retreats for young people.