Year of Hope
So often, this time of year – especially these days in New England! – makes us want to ‘hunker down’ and practically ‘hibernate’ due to the many cold dreary days and only ‘slightly’ longer days of sunlight. Yet, this should not be so with the Christian, and this certainly would not be the year … for several reasons! … to simply ‘curl up’ and wait for a new ‘springtime’ when it might be more ‘comfortable’ to go out to ‘all the world’ and tell the Good News! But what do I mean?
Well, recently, Pope Francis called the Catholic Church into a Jubilee Year of Hope, a year – essentially – of mercy, forgiveness, dynamic flourishing and ‘new beginnings.’ I know these little phrases may not be the first ones that come to mind when we read about the Pope’s desire to join the Church for a year of ‘pilgrimage,’ but as we continue along in this Third Millennium of Christendom, we realize all the more that true Hope is so needed by many – if not all! – in the world, especially our young people. Yet, this pathway of ‘new beginnings’ has already been ‘paved’ for us by young Saints!
First, we can see in this Jubilee Year of Hope, a year of ‘mercy’ in which we first ‘receive’ from GOD His Divine ‘pardon.’ This gift of mercy is first and foremost seen in His ‘descending’ into our world – the ‘Creator become creature’– by virtue of the Incarnation, which we just celebrated in His birth in Bethlehem. This, if you will, is God ‘taking’ our lowliness into His Sacred Heart, as if to ‘take upon Himself’ our suffering and making it ‘as His own.’ For sure, no other GOD so loving ‘becomes like us’ – in all things except sin – in order to ‘redeem’ us. Yet, He did, for love of us!
Second, this great Love is revealed through His forgiving us, ultimately by way of His Passion and Death, and ‘claiming’us once more as His own. Yes, we can truly say that we have become His ‘sons and daughters’ because He has made us His own children perfectly through our Baptisms. For this, we, too can proclaim with our Most Blessed Mother, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the LORD!” for our Hope is now free of constraint!
Third, if we have been ‘redeemed’ and ‘claimed’ once more, then we are free to begin again in ‘human flourishing’ when our Hope begins to ‘soar’ and to lift us up and assure us we are never again alone. In fact, this Mercy of God is His infinite love for us manifested not ‘from on high,’ but rather ‘from below,’ so that everything we now do is taken up into His Sacred Heart, into His Divine Heart.
Thus, by His mercy and forgiveness we are set free to flourish, given new Hope in our lives and in our humanity. Though never perfect, we must strive to bring this Jubilee of Hope to all the world, warming ‘frozen’ hearts made so by fear and healing the ‘broken’ hearted from the wounds of loneliness. So ‘great’ is this work of bringing about a ‘new springtime,’ that we ourselves must ‘return’ to the font of its source: Jesus Christ! But how?
Well, might I offer two great examples of role models, really, who forever ‘hold’ today as their ‘feast’ day: St. Timothy and Little Christina Dangond! United in Spirit though separated by some 2,000 years – the ‘breadth’ of Christendom itself! – these two ever-young saints offer us new hope today.
St. Timothy was the young companion of St. Paul, instructed by and eager to take up the ‘mantle’ of his elder. His name itself means: ‘honoring GOD’ or ‘honored by GOD.’ He is considered an ‘apostle’ (though not one of the Twelve) and an early Evangelist (though not one of the Four), as well as the first Bishop of Ephesus.
Little Christina, whose very name means ‘follower of Christ,’ is an apostle (meaning ‘one who is sent’) and an evangelist (meaning ‘one who proclaims the Good News’) through her ‘going out to the whole world’ via her great many Facebook videos proclaiming the Mercy of GOD with her, “JESUS, I Trust in YOU!” This ever relevant and needed message is a proclamation of hope for all people; for no one is outside of Christ’s Mercy!
Maybe in this Jubilee Year of Hope, we might ‘take up’ the mantle of Little Christina and proclaim more and louder this Good News so needed in our Church and in the world today: “ JESUS, I Trust in YOU!” St. Timothy, pray for us! Little Christina, pray for us!
Fr. Ed was ordained to the priesthood in May 2000 for the Archdiocese of Boston. He held three different parish assignments in the Archdiocese from 2000-2010 before his appointment to the Faculty of Saint John’s Seminary, where he was Dean of Men and Director of Pastoral Formation from 2010-2022. Fr. Ed is currently the Administrator of Sacred Heart Parish in Waltham, MA and Spiritual Director & Liaison for the Office for Homeschooling of the Archdiocese of Boston. He is the Spiritual Director for the World Apostolate of Fatima in the Archdiocese and a perpetually professed member of the Institute of Jesus the Priest of the Pauline Family.