The Mystery of Christmas
Given our recent celebration of Christmas, I think it’s worth peering a bit into the mystery of this holy day and season. The Church always seeks to speak to us in a symbolic language, so that through signs and symbols, we can come to see what would otherwise be hidden from our eyes. The first sign to notice is the very placement of the Solemnity at the time of the Winter Solstice, after which the sun breaks into our world making the nights shorter and the days longer. This carries a deep spiritual significance in that with the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the Light of the World, the darkness that oppresses us retreats as His light fills our lives.
Darkness is often a symbol of fear and uncertainty and this darkness obscures our relationship with God. We tend to think that Christianity consists in trying as best we can to be good, lest God punish us for all of the sins that we commit. This stifles our relationship with Him, because then whenever we sin, we recoil from His presence. We hide from God out of shame for our faults and for fear that if He uncovers them, then it is certain condemnation for us. Fear of the Lord is known to be a gift of the Spirit, but the sort of fear of the Lord here described is not it all, it is a perversion of the genuine fear we are called to have of God; and, this is precisely what Christ desires to transform in us through His Nativity.
Of all forms the Lord could have taken, He chose to become like us and so during Christmas, we see Him in the form of a tender child. This is because new life is similar to light in that it draws creatures to itself. When a child is born, people rejoice almost immediately and maybe not even knowing why. They draw near to the child, desiring to hold it and carry it close, but with great care and delicacy. The last thing that anyone would want to have happen would be to lose that child and this is precisely why Jesus Christ became a baby. Rather than run away and hide from Him, Jesus desires that we draw near to Him and especially in our spiritual poverty.
It is so fitting that this little child be born in a filthy cave in Bethlehem, for the innocence of God manifests in a dirty place, pointing to the Lord’s desire for us to approach Him despite our sinfulness. Moreover, Jesus desires to instill in us the proper Fear of the Lord, which is not a fear of being punished by Him, but a fear of losing Him. The cave of Bethlehem is the peak of poverty – Mary and Joseph were without family, Joseph was without work, and they were without proper shelter and protection. Yet, having the presence of Jesus Christ, they were not lacking in anything. This tells us that the Lord desires that we do not fear the likes of poverty, unemployment, financial instability, loneliness or separation from family. In other words, do not fear losing anything in this world, but do fear losing Jesus Christ. People may have everything they desire, but if they don’t have Christ, it means absolutely nothing. On the other hand, people may possess absolutely nothing, and yet in having Jesus Christ, they have everything.
May we approach Christ, who in His innocence draws us to Himself, despite our faults, that we may taste the tenderness of our Heavenly Father who calls us back to Himself through the forgiveness of sins.

Fr Gabriel, the fourth of six children, was raised in a Catholic family in Framingham, Massachusetts. By the end of high school, he felt a clear calling to the priesthood, though he initially struggled to accept this vocation. Pursuing his dream of studying art, he found himself continually confronted by the question of his vocation. Eventually, Gabriel decided to stop running and went to the Domus Galilee in Israel for a period of discernment. This pivotal decision allowed him to embrace his calling. Father Gabriel was ordained as a priest in May 2024 and is currently serving at the Immaculate Conception Parish in Marlborough, Massachusetts.