Let God be God
Even though it’s true that only the Lord, Creator of us and all living things, has given us multiple talents and capacities to administer this Earth where we live, it’s also true that many times we simply forget that we are creatures, and that creatures cannot be larger than their creator.
Have you even seen a shooting star? Do you think you are capable of deciding when it passes by, at what velocity and how distant from earth?
God’s son was born in a manger. According to your criteria, would you think that God deserved to come into a more comfortable or noble place, in this world? Do you think you would be able to change this?
On a daily basis we are confronted with situations in which we pretend to impose our opinion or our way of doing things without even thinking for a moment what God’s plan is. It is difficult for us to abide by God’s Will and we easily believe we have better ideas than God Himself. We even dare to tell God what He should do for us – and even worse – how He should do it.
When we become accustomed to making decisions without previously praying to God, and asking him to enlighten us, or when we seek important paths that, despite their apparent structure and depth don’t include loving God, it is highly probable that this will end up distancing us from the peace and happiness that one derives from walking in God’s path.
Like me a few years ago, many people think that they have the control of all situations and that they can handle it on their own. With lots or little knowledge: I plan, I organize, I project, I execute…I do so much that I leave out the possibility of seeing the marvelous things that God can do in my soul when I am willing to let Him Do and Be in my life.
God knows how, why and for what He does what He does. What we need to do is to be humble and be willing to accept and live the will of God. Taking into account that, by being God, God is always right and His plans and paths are not the same as ours, and accepting that our gaze is limited while God sees and knows everything, enables us to adjust our perspective and trust that whatever comes our way will be for our well‑being. How could this be any other way if God always wants the best for His children?
One day my spiritual director saw me in a rush making so many plans. Calling my attention, he asked me, “Cristina, why don’t you let God be God?”
That day I understood that the only way to let God be God is to keep my senses open to the inspirations and mandates of God, and that this can be achieved through prayer and by asking God to give me prudence, docility and the willingness to let Him do His will on me and through me.
Is it easy? No, especially for someone like me who is accustomed to DOING and not waiting! It takes patience to start to understand and accept God’s plan for our lives. “Let God be God” has been the best advice I have ever received, because since then, the Lord has not stopped marveling me with everything and in everything. How happy is my heart every time I let God be God in my life! While I do very little, He, so lovingly, so sweetly, so providently does His ALL for me!
God wants what is best for us; therefore, let’s allow ourselves to be healed, cleansed and saved by God’s Divine Will!
MariaCristina was born in Santa Marta, Colombia on the day of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Because of this gift from Heaven, she took a deep love for the Blessed Virgin Mary and, together with her husband and children, she has consecrated her life to Mary. She knows that Our Lady is truly her mom who helps her in all aspects of her life.
At the age of 32, Maria Cristina was diagnosed with breast cancer and began to live a stage in her life full of physical suffering, but also a life filled with grace and blessings. It was then, in those moments of loneliness and isolation, that she was able to experience God’s Love and hear His Voice deep within her heart. Fortunately, the miracle of healing occurred and since then Maria Cristina has dedicated herself to serving the Lord. She knows that nothing comes from herself, but that everything is the product of Divine Grace.