Do You Hear His Song?

MariaCristina was born in Santa Marta, Colombia on the day of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Because of this gift from Heaven, she took a deep love for the Blessed Virgin Mary and, together with her husband and children, she has consecrated her life to Mary. She knows that Our Lady is truly her mom who helps her in all aspects of her life.
At the age of 32, Maria Cristina was diagnosed with breast cancer and began to live a stage in her life full of physical suffering, but also a life filled with grace and blessings. It was then, in those moments of loneliness and isolation, that she was able to experience God’s Love and hear His Voice deep within her heart. Fortunately, the miracle of healing occurred and since then Maria Cristina has dedicated herself to serving the Lord. She knows that nothing comes from herself, but that everything is the product of Divine Grace.
Although I was born in Santa Marta, I have lived for 28 years in Villavicencio, a city that belongs to the Eastern Plains of Colombia. Here I have known a very different culture, but at the same time, one that is very beautiful and enriched with traditions just like the entire Colombian territory. Something that caught my attention was the “Canto del trabajo del llano” or “Songs of the Cowboy” which are not only an expression related to music, but also imply a direct relationship between the cowboy and the cattle for which he cares. It is a fascinating scene, so much so that it has become a cultural heritage of these lands where I live. When the cowboy sings to the cattle, he demonstrates his “llanero” spirit – proud and loving of his territory, his natural surroundings and the animals that he cares for and guides. The plainsman sings to the cattle depending on the circumstances: a song to herd them, a song to milk them and even a song to reassure them at night. It is true that these songs always bring very good benefits, because the cattle respond well to the voice of he who cares for them.
I am amazed to see how many cows and bulls respond to the call of their caretaker. The cattle turn their heads, pay attention, and do what the cowboy tells them to do while he is singing to them. It is incredible! We can see how a cowboy with a maximum of two helpers, guides entire lots of cattle without any problem. I can’t stop bringing this image into my life, into the life of all of us children of God, because contemplating nature is a total joy for me. The attitude of these animals moves me. First, they LISTEN; no matter how far away from the cowboy they are, when he calls them, they follow his voice. It is also evident that they TRUST him and OBEY by doing, calmly, just what he tells them to do.
For me, the question in my mind is: How is it possible that these animals can so easily recognize and follow whoever it is that guides them? How do they understand that by listening, trusting and obeying it will only do them good? On the other hand, how is it that we, children of God, endowed with intelligence, soul and reason, do not recognize the voice of the One that not only takes care of us, but loved us to the extreme by giving His life for our salvation? Why do we not listen, not trust in His Mercy and not obey His designs? Instead, we move away from what is good only to later cry and even claim that God has left us alone, abandoning us to our fate.
God does not abandon us, though. In fact, He has created us in His image and likeness and melts with love for each one of us. We, God’s children, have been given the privilege of stewardship over God’s creation and nature has many good things to teach us; but we must be up for this challenge and honor this responsibility given to us by God. Therefore, let us not insist on going against the supreme Good, against our Good Shepherd, against our… if you allow me, “Good Cowboy.” After all, it is He who will take us to rest in green meadows, bring us to calm waters, give us new strength and lead us along straight paths. Even if we pass through the darkest of valleys, we will not fear because He, your God and my God, will be with us, will protect us and will never fail us.