Back to Basics

Fernando Dangond, MD, was born in Colombia, South America. He and his wife, Monica, live in Weston, MA, and have been blessed with two sons Daniel and David and a beautiful daughter, Christina (the inspiration behind Build the Faith) who left to be with the Lord 7 years ago.
Dr. Dangond, is a neurologist and scientist who works for a pharmaceutical company developing medicines to treat devastating neurological diseases.
Due to life circumstances, today I found myself without access to a computer. I had a commitment to write a blog for Build the Faith and my first instinct was to postpone this task until the following week. I had the perfect excuse and contemplated using my hours on some fun hobby, but realized this would mean disappointing the people who edit and publish the blog, as well as those who, with a good heart, wait to read it. After hesitating, I decided to write it by hand.
In this same way, we sometimes waver in our commitment to God. When confronted with a decision, we choose the comfortable path. We hesitate between attending family Mass on a Sunday and watching an entertaining movie or between giving a fallen friend a hand and accompanying a successful friend to his party. In short, our egocentrism leads us to do anything, except what implies sacrifice for others. We forget, “for convenience,” that this beggar with his hand outstretched and his face of anguish, could be Jesus himself.
We are constantly exposed to dire news: violent wars, personal and family tragedies, and injustices in society and the world in which we live. Little by little, this affects our psyche and hardens our hearts, until we become eyewitnesses of a Roman circus, applauding every time the lions devour their poor victims.
I wonder, what would I have done, if I had had to be Simon of Cyrene? Would I have helped Jesus carry his heavy cross, or would I have relegated myself to being just another spectator, following Jesus through the crowd along the Via Dolorosa, on his way to Calvary, with a morbid and impassive curiosity to witness the end?
In this troubled world we need to go back to basics. May our hearts be guided by compassion, generosity, and tolerance. May we once again experience the soul of a child, capable of forgiving, housing the Holy Spirit with all its virtues. Only by carrying God within can we transform the world and contribute to its salvation. Let us commit ourselves to the things of God; let us be faithful servants, always ready to do his will. We can’t put it off any longer. Time is running out. We must go back to basics and take action.