One Hour a Week
The prefix “trans” means to “go across” or “beyond” or “through.” Another definition suggests that it refers to “on the other side of.” The transfiguration in today’s Gospel shows how the outline of Jesus’ visible humanity gave way for a brief period to “go beyond” His humanity to reveal His divinity. The celebration of Mass is a time when we also “go beyond” what we see and experience to have an encounter with the divine. Since we are invited to consume the Eucharist, it is hard to imagine a closer bond.
This blog is addressed to our adult children who do not attend Mass regularly, if at all. They are generally grateful for having been raised in a Catholic family and respectful of their parents’ choice to practice their Catholic faith, but they have many concerns. Aspects of Church history, the role of women, teaching about LGBTQ+ issues and same sex attraction, as well as the fallout from the Church abuse scandal have diluted any sense of obligation to attend Mass regularly. Many young people report that they can pray by themselves and argue that there is no need for organized religion. Although I empathize with them on these issues, I truly believe that going to Mass is important because it is the only place where we can receive Jesus in the Eucharist.
I admit, as a parent of younger children, I did not communicate properly what I believe to be true about Mass and the Eucharist. During the liturgy, in human time and space, there is a gathering of Angels and Saints, indeed all the Heavenly Hosts, to greet the presence of Jesus in a way that does not happen apart from the celebration of the Eucharist. As a Deacon who prepares the altar before the Liturgy of the Eucharist, I pray…. “By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity.”
Due to our human weakness, it is easy to become complacent about Mass when it is actually so easy to attend. After all, the commitment is only one hour a week. Yet, as a young parent, I remember arriving late, shushing the kids as we looked for a seat near the back, and listening to find out if we had made it in before the Gospel, because then “it counts.” I know (and I think this is true for many of my generation) that I did not do an adequate job explaining the centrality of the Eucharist to our children. That Jesus said to crowd, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” (John 6:56) Thus, consecration and reception of the Eucharist is vital for us all, because it helps us to be our best selves, regardless of whether or not we believe or understand what is happening.
The Eucharist is known as the source and summit of our faith and, like the other Sacraments, it is a gift in service to the community. “[It] is not a potion for power or a portal to the perfect life. It is rather, a balm, a warm hug, an indescribable gift that compels us to, in turn, to give to those around us.” (Matthew Kelly, Dynamic Catholic)
The word “Eucharist” is a Greek word meaning “thanksgiving.” We come together to break this bread and be transformed. We know we are not just physical bodies or self-centered individuals. We can go beyond and experience a new understanding of ourselves as transformed, even transfigured, when we come together in worship at Mass. There at Mass, by receiving Holy Communion, we become that which we consume, the Body of Christ. How awesome is that?!
Colm Is a Deacon in the Archdiocese of Boston and a prison Chaplain. He and his wife Julie have 4 adult children and 2 grandchildren. His Catholic faith has always been a central part of his family and work life and is a source of endless joy.