Every Knee Shall Bend and Every Tongue Confess
Colleen M. Donohoe was born and raised just North of Boston, the youngest of 7 children. She is the proud “Auntie” to 17 nieces and nephews and 5 great nieces and nephews who bring tremendous joy to her life! For the past 25 years, Colleen has served in a variety of roles in the Archdiocese of Boston, primarily as a Catholic Educator. After spending many years as a theology teacher and campus minister, she currently serves as the Associate Superintendent of Catholic Identity and Respect Life Educator for the Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Schools. It is a great honor and blessing for Colleen to continue little Christina Dangond’s legacy to “Build the Faith” wherever and however God calls.
As we celebrate Palm Sunday and enter Holy Week, I invite you to join me in pondering the depth of the words in today’s Second Reading “…he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name, which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:8-11)
The italicized words really speak to my heart. Jesus was obedient and humble. In a world where power and prestige are exalted, some might see Jesus’ obedience and humility as feeble, fragile or weak. Yet, when Jesus Christ bowed to the will of His Father, He showed courage and strength beyond any man, despite more pain and suffering than we could possibly comprehend, let alone, endure.
The word every has always struck me deeply too. “Every knee should bend…and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, the glory of God the Father!” Sadly, we live in a world where this is far from reality. In fact, here in our beloved Boston, the Marriott Copley Hotel will play host to the world’s largest ever Satanic Conference, which will be held during the Easter season, when we Catholics celebrate the pinnacle of our faith, the Resurrection of our Savior and King…the One who defeated death, saved us from darkness and invites us to New Life in Him!
Some may ask how did we get to a place in our world that celebrates, and dare I say, parades and flaunts, the most grotesque sins and lauds Satan? Simply put, we as a society, have chosen darkness over Light. We have egregiously ignored the very One who created us, the One who loved us into being and continues to love us so deeply that He humbled Himself to the point of indescribable suffering and even death on a cross. We have turned our backs on Love. A Love that is so resounding, yet so humble, so obedient, so patient, so unconditional and so unceasing that the largest Satanic Conference in the world, cannot for one second, weaken, debilitate, or diminish it in any way. This Love is true, pure, and immeasurable and invites each of us to be in relationship with Him for all eternity. This Love has a Name, above every other name, Jesus Christ, our Savior, our Lord and our King!
As we contemplate this fathomless Love, especially during Holy Week, let us ask ourselves how we might turn back to Him and even more so how we might offer an act of consolation to the One who is Love, the very One who bore our sins, suffered and laid down His life for Love of His friends.
Imagine a world where every knee bends at His Name and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord! It might seem impossible, but as the Resurrection proves, absolutely nothing is impossible for God! Catholics, it’s time to awaken, rise out of the darkness and be people of steadfast courage! Turn away from sin and let your love for God boldly, fearlessly and unapologetically witness to the victory of Christ crucified and let it be as deafening as the loudest clap of thunder! As we prepare to enter this new liturgical season, let every knee humbly bend and every tongue obediently confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father!!