Angels Around Us
Fernando Dangond, MD, was born in Colombia, South America. He and his wife, Monica, live in Weston, MA, and have been blessed with two sons Daniel and David and a beautiful daughter, Christina (the inspiration behind Build the Faith) who left to be with the Lord 6 years ago.
Dr. Dangond, is a neurologist and scientist who works for a pharmaceutical company developing medicines to treat devastating neurological diseases.
Misfortune will not reach you nor will the plague come near your tent, for the angels have been ordered to escort you in all your ways. They will hold you in their hands so that you do not trip your foot on a stone. (Psalm 91:10-120)
We have just started 2023. Reflecting on all the blessings of heaven received last year, I conclude that it has been a very fortunate year. I speak from my role as Christy’s father and head of our family, but also as a member of the Build the Faith Board of Directors. I have understood that the more I give control to God, and I focus on donating my talents to the world to glorify his work in my neighbor, the greater blessings and thanks I receive. Avoiding exalting ourselves, and seeking instead to exalt others, we learn the importance of humility, and this fills us with peace and calm, invites us to imitate Christ, and makes us deserving of his kind power. I have come to understand this by observing the angels around me, in each step we take to build faith.
It has been a fruitful year for Build the Faith, the foundation my daughter Christy started before she left this world to be in the Kingdom of God. The growth and scope of the foundation has been a miracle from heaven, despite its short existence as an entity that generates hope among souls thirsty for God. This is due to the selfless work of all the collaborators who have voluntarily made it possible for Build the Faith to support multiple spiritual retreats and the construction of convents and churches. Also, the unconditional support of priests, seminarians and missionaries, donors, and people who, by giving us their time or with simple words of encouragement, fortify us to be able to move forward. All of this has touched my heart in a profound way, and I am filled with gratitude for the generosity of so many angels around me.
These people who give their time and effort to make rosaries by hand, while praying for the people who will receive them in their homes, are for us angels that God has placed in our path to ensure that we do not lack anything and that our efforts lead to fruits in abundance. In them, I see glimpses of the faith we learned from Christy, who surrendered to God’s will without asking for anything in return. Angels are also the faithful, who help with their own hands to transport the materials and build, brick by brick, the foundations of their new churches, and the readers of our blogs who appreciate the spiritual messages that we try to bring them. As in a symphony orchestra concert, we all work in unison, synchronized by the strength and power of the Holy Spirit who is present in our lives.
For all those people, my wishes go from the most remote corners of my heart, for a 2023 full of spiritual joy, blessings and graces from the Most High. May your work as angels continue to bear fruit to glorify God. I pray to God that the strength of faith among all who are part of the Body of Christ, our Catholic Church, takes root in your hearts and magnifies its supernatural peace in you and your loved ones.